i can explain.

This year I’m in a class called Psychology of Human Sexuality or as I like to call it “An Overdue Sexual Education for Young Adults.” Although I am loving it, it has its set backs. Take last week for example when, in my 9am design class, I opened my laptop to a full-screened penis-pic equipped with both pubic hair and anatomical labels. That actually happened to me. I would include a picture for proof, but I’ll save you the trauma.

V-day recap

How was everyone’s V-day? Mine was absolutely perfect. My long distance boyfriend insta-carted me spinach dip. That sounds sarcastic, but if you know me, you know that that’s actually a perfect gift. Nothing says “I love you” more than savory dip.

daily tangent

People always say “time flies,” or “enjoy being young while you can,” or “youth is wasted on the young.” In most stages of my life up to this point, I have had a strong sense of perspective; I’ve prided myself on being able to look at where I am in life through the eyes of someone who has already lived through what I’m experiencing. In other words, I walk through my college campus thinking things like “here I am as a college student, this is what I look like, these are my priorities, this is what matters to me the most.” It is almost as if I’ve already lived it. It feels like there’s an older version of me in my thoughts appreciating where my external body is. I know what you’re thinking, who asked? Absolutely no one. But this is my blog, so…I don’t need to defend my writing. Anyway, this is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it has made me painfully aware of how lucky I am to be in my youth and on the other hand it has made me painfully aware of how lucky I am to be in my youth. I am not taking this stage of my life for granted as the older version of me continues to bang me on the head every time I slip into to a feeling anything short of gratitude. However, this comes with pressure; a feeling that I need to make everyday one that reflects this gratitude and doesn’t waste time. There’s no point to this madness. No satisfying conclusion to be made. What I will say to the older version of me reading this as I write it, “it appears you already know what I will do with my life so stop trying to control it.” Now for the young present version of me, “what’s up, let’s get a drink.” Now to you, my reader who was under the impression that this blog is supposed to be funny, “I promised an honest dialogue about college thoughts and life, I never promised humor…but also…keep reading.”

what kids are saying these days

what kids are saying these days •

  • "skipping my classes..im exhausted." "careful now that's a gateway drug"

    Conversation between two college students

  • "as a female-bodied person who occasionally has sex with men..."

    Random College TA

  • "weirdest thing is i still haven't found my blankie"

    Random College Student

  • "getting drunk after sleep deprivation is fucking electric you get hammered so fast"

    Random College Student

a thought to leave with you with:

In my Design Thinking class we are practicing mindfulness drawing; the meditative practice of drawing anything on a page and trying to focus on the sensations that come with it. Like all meditation, it is not as easy as it sounds. You must keep reminding your wandering mind to focus on the marker or crayon in your hand. As challenging as it may be, it works. So grab a pencil and start drawing female anatomy on a piece of paper. Ok, it doesn’t have to be a uterus, I just thought I’d kill two birds with one stone.